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Q8) Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy. A kid will eat ivy too. Wouldn’t you?
Q16) An “...ask Wand Aanything” Bonus — Augie asks Wand a questin instead of you !
Paula Cole just came on the radio. Looking back, I realized “Holy Mackerel, the 90s were almost as good as the 80s!” Right on that realization’s heels, I also realized “She’s absolutely right! Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?” (Which isn’t quite a realization but will suffice here for our purposes.) Then I re-realized the realization about the 90s being almost as good as the 80s and realized further that I’d fallen into The Dreaded Nostalgia Trap, where my cracked rear view hinders my ability to look objectively at the past, confusing actual facts (such as “Darius Rucker is awesome!”) with the sugar-coated Good Ol’ Days (“Hootie and the Blowfish are so good that they and Alanis Morrissette will undoubtedly rule the musical charts for the remainder of my lifetime!”). Like a nuclear meltdown, this process began an inevitable tumbling of dominoes and ended with me unrealizing my initial realization and replacing it with the subsequent realization that the 90s could only beat the 80s with a 4 or 5 year head start.
Q36) Now that 2020 is finally, at long last, over — what will you miss most?
Q37) What do you think 2020 coud have done better if it really put its heart into it?
Q38) What do you think was 2020's greatest achievement?
Q39) Pioneer Spirit? How's that?
Q40) Where do artificial tears come from?
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